Huntsman Building Solutions is a business unit of Huntsman Corp., has been recognized as an industry leader in using innovative technology and advanced science to create a line of open-cell and closed-cell spray foam insulation and coatings for more than 10 years combined experience. Huntsman Building Solutions focuses on meeting market demands for more energy-efficient products and serves a range of industries, including residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and agricultural For more information, visit
Huntsman Building Solutions was born in May 2020, following Huntsman’s acquisition of leading North American spray polyurethane foam (SPF) company Icynene-Lapolla in February 2020. Icynene Lapolla has been integrated with Demilec, also a market leader in SPF applications, and which Huntsman acquired in 2018. Together, the businesses are now one of the world’s leading SPF providers and the fifth largest insulation manufacturing the world. The Huntsman Building Solutions brand name was announced in May and the combined Business now provides customers with an unmatched offering of energy-saving open cell and closed cell SPF products, for residential and commercial property owners.
Huntsman Building Solutions product types include wall foam, roofing foam, specialty foam, coatings for wall and roofing foam, and polyurea.