Remedy Asset Protection provides consultancy services and inspections of both steel and concrete structures for the mining industry. Protective coatings for steel and concrete mining structures
The company offers concrete and steel solutions for structures using their unique and thorough understanding of various aspects of the industry.
Concrete structures require a comprehensive skillset in order to select appropriate coating systems. The correct coating depends on the integrity of the structure, project objectives, and the service environment, among other factors.
A variety of elastomeric membrane coatings; glass-reinforced rigid coatings, including epoxy or vinyl ester resins; and geotextile-reinforced elastomeric polyurethane, such as Polibrid are available. Remedy Asset Protection offers auditing and coating inspections of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) or glass-reinforced plastic (GRP). The company provides testing of coating properties, including high-voltage porosity (holiday, pin hole) testing. Staff members have the necessary training to perform tasks safely, including working at heights. Risk appraisal services assess project cost, methodology, scheduling, contractor selection, safety compliance, quality control and environmental issues. The company can help tailor coating specifications to client projects, and provide advice on the best test methods on-site. Project management services will ensure clients receive a quality outcome. Remedy Asset Protection’s staff has the necessary training to safely perform tasks, including in confined space entry environments. Coating specifications for concrete structures include poly urea and other tank linings. Methods for coating property testing include adhesion testing of protective coating systems. The company has the necessary interpersonal skills to align the intermediaries' on clients’ projects. Inspection of coatings in industrial mining applications
Remedy Asset Protection is a supplier of coating inspection services, including pre-start meetings and alignment of contractors to predetermined quality, safety and environmental standards.
The company also audit contractors’ systems of work during the initial stages in order to incorporate improvements so project objectives can be met and improved upon.
Inspection and testing services throughout the project also help to ensure compliance, taking corrective actions when necessary, and undertaking regular report writing, as well as clearance certification. Savings from effective coating product appraisals
In order to protect mining structures, which can be exposed to a variety of different service environments, including dry, rural, coastal and tropical conditions, Remedy Asset Protection provides appraisals to determine suitability.
For example, structures in drier rural environments often save money by using targeted coating systems, while applications in coastal and tropical surroundings save on long-term costs with a more robust coating alternative, which may be initially more expensive. Asset structure, maintenance, lifecycle and maintenance assessments
Remedy Asset Protection is able to recommend a range of solutions to reduce costs throughout the required lifestyle of an asset.
There are many structures within the mining industry that require protective coatings, including fuel tanks, pipelines, processing facilities, platforms, conveyor, chutes, crushing mill, trammel, acid spill containment bunds and water treatment plants and ponds.
The company is experienced in dealing with structures that require high abrasion and vibration resistance, including those which cannot be inspected at regular intervals and subsequently need long-term protection.
Remedy Asset Protection also offers a range of specialised coatings, such as concrete crack treatment through the use of an epoxy injection system, and the treatment of spalling concrete by reinforcing with steel in conjunction with epoxy mortar patch repairs. Project coatings specifications development
To balance the required assessments, Remedy Asset Protection has developed a project coatings specification to assist clients in the preparation of project documentation and contracts, including standards, testing requirements, coating systems, inspection test plans, site reporting documents
Also provided are documents to ensure contractors conduct their procedures using best practice work systems.
The company is also experienced in understanding standards and their application in the field, scaffold and special access systems, confined space entry and rescue systems, management of hazardous coatings removal (such as lead, chromates, and coal tar epoxy), and environmental containment structures.
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